The Mortal Kombat of Black Lives Matter

People who grew up in the 1980s and 90s know all the classic video games, including Street Fighter II and Mortak Kombat. The following 10 images draws on those memories to explain the issues facd by black people in the US and to a large extent in many other places around the world.

  1. First you have to face up to the overall systemic challenge ahead of you like every day you’re in a survival challenge.

2. You want to get through the obstacles of racism, profiling etc and shatter them – *shock the system* (shout out to Undisputed Era from WWE) .

3. But, you can’t forget that the obstacles are entrenched and will burn you more likely than not, so you have to be extra vigilant in every circumstance.

4. But, you end up getting scorched anyway.

5. Then you have to contend with people in your own community trying to take you down.

6. They attack you, because they have other people’s agenda to push. But you push past them even if they think they’ve got one over on you.

7. And did I mention, your adversaries don’t fight fair; like

i) Everybody knows Zangief ain’t got no hadouken; and

ii) How the heck is he hittng you before d round even starts? Still 99 seconds on the clock!

8. Not to mention getting hit when you’re down;

9. And then even when you do seem to succeed, you’re black so you’re portrayed as the bad guy like evil (because dark skinned -_- ) Ryu.

Either that or someone else is given credit for your triumph. Because the power bar says Sagat.

10. And anything you do, don’t get too comfy, because the long arms of the law may unlawfully do you in….

Don’t believe me? Ask Kano and Balrog. They’ll set you straight.

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